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Facing <>Fear V.S. Consumption of Fear

See this little girl above?  She's New York's new SHERO. 


Because she's giving encouragement; not just to little girls across the country but even women across the world. Myself included! 

If you ever get a chance to stop by,  you'll notice she's facing a raging bull. Wall street's infamous Raging Bull symbolizing the Bull stock=The stock that goes up, the stock that makes you money! Also conveying the aggressiveness of Wall st.

 Pretty scary. But not to her!

Often times in our adult lives we face a lot of "Raging bulls" in places such as 

The office

At home


Our relationships 

And even within ourselves 

But the most important thing about these situations are "What do we do about them?" Either we allow it to consume us; then in turn we become weaken by it... or.... we face it head on. The bully at work or in school, the abusive person at home or in your relationship; who makes you feel lesser than or worst:: YOU yourself allowing any of the above to make you change your thoughts about yourself! Come on now. You know that can't happen. 

So please. Do yourself a favor and stand up to that fear, that bully, that raging bull and place your arms akimbo like the girl on wall street. 

"People will take advantage of your fears, until you use your fears to become FEARLESS!" #Quote - Keeke

Have a Blessed Day. 

As i always say: If you feel it, share it! 


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